This series of products integrate the motor dynamometer . The system can be used in test labs, at inspection stations, and
on the manufacturing floors. With a Hysteresis Braking system, the Dynamometers do not require speed to create torque. It can provide a full motor ramp from free-run to locked rotor. The testing of free-run load-run could be finished in one operation.
配置 Top-level configuration 美国磁粉测功机核心部件Hysteresis brake made in U.S.A
高精度转矩传感器 High- accuracy sensor 高性能32位内嵌式工业计算机
High-quality embedded computer operating system
简便操作 Easy to operate
可调工装 Adjustable motor fixture
操作人员不用培训、直接上岗 Easy to use 中文触摸屏对话、方便快捷
Touch- screen operating system
不需另配电脑 No additional computer
不需配置制动器控制器 Without dynamometer controller 不需要配置电参数仪 Without dynamometer controller Excellent performance