

智慧城市网供应网 智慧交通 交通检测设备 汽车检测设备Agilent HP N4872A & N4873A 13.5 Gb/s 发生器模块

Agilent HP N4872A & N4873A 13.5 Gb/s 发生器模块

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Key Features & Specifications

  • Data Rate Range: 620 Mb/s to 13.5 Gb/s


  • Data Range: 620 Mb/s to 13.5 Gb/s
  • Differential and single-ended inputs or outputs
  • Generate and analyze pseudo random word sequences (PRWS), standard PRBS up to 231-1 and memory based patterns up to 64 Mb

Generator module

  • Output amplitude/resolution 0.1Vpp - 1.8Vpp /5mV
  • Transition Times (20%-80%): <20ps
  • Jitter: < 9ps pp typ
  • Jitter Modulation bandwidth DC to 1GHz of delay line

Analyzer module

  • Minimum detectable pulse width: 25ps typ.
  • Phase Margin: 1 UI - 12ps typ.
  • Input sensitivity: 50mVpp typ @10Gb/s PRBS 231-1 and BER 1012
  • Clock Data Recovery Ranges: 1.058 - 1.6 GHz, 2.45-3.2 GHz and 4.8-6.4 GHz


The Agilent ParBERT 13.5Gb/s modules are the ideal solution for testing high-speed communication ports, components, chips and modules for a wide range of technologies and applications for the semiconductor and communication industry.

The Agilent N4872A 13.5 Gb/s generator module and N4873A 13.5 Gb/s analyzer module is each one VXI slot wide and requires the E4809A Central Clock module. The ParBERT 13.5 Gb/s modules are able to generate and analyze differential or single-ended signals at data rates from 620 Mb/s to 13.5 Gb/s.

The ParBERT 13.5 Gb/s modules make the Agilent ParBERT 81250 ideal for addressing following applications:

  • 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10.3 Gb/s and 9.953 Gb/s)
  • 10-Gigabit Fiber Channel (10.51875 Gb/s)
  • Computation and Data Distribution at 6.25 - 6.4 Gb/s (Standards included: Infiniband, Serial ATA, PCI-Express, Firewire, Rapid I/O, Backplanes, Memory buses)
  • OC-768/STM-256 (4x10.8 Gb/s)
  • OC-192/STM-64 (1x10.8 Gb/s and 16x675 Mb/s)
  • Multiple serial OC-192 devices in manufacturing concurrently


  • Generates pseudo random word sequences (PRWS), memory based patterns and standard PRBS up to 2³¹-1
  • Analyze bit error ratios with user-defined data, PRBS or mixed data from parallel ports
  • Generate and analyze differential or single-ended signals at data rates from 620 Mb/s up to 13.5 Gb/s

    Generator module:
  • Data Range: 620 Mb/s to 13.5 Gb/s
  • Output amplitude/resolution 0.1Vpp - 1.8Vpp /5mV
  • Transition Times (20%-80%): <20ps
  • Jitter: < 9ps pp typ
  • Jitter Modulation bandwidth DC to 1GHz
  • External Clock Input: 620 MHz - 13.5 GHz
  • Cross point adjust: 20% - 80%

    Analyzer module:
  • Data Range: 620 Mb/s to 13.5 Gb/s
  • Minimum detectable pulse width: 25ps typ.
  • Phase Margin: 1 UI - 12ps typ.
  • Input sensitivity: 50mVpp typ @10Gb/s PRBS 2³¹-1 and BER 10¹²
  • External Clock Input: 620 MHz - 13.5 GHz
  • Clock Data Recovery Ranges: 1.058 - 1.6 GHz, 2.45-3.2 GHz and 4.8-6.4 GHz









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