Prognostic BTS100轴承寿命预测测试台的关键部件,工作在高速,高温以及高载荷的变工况下,极易发生故障,因此,对滚动轴承进行故障诊断和全寿命预测从而实现故障单期预警和精确的维修决策,避免故隙引发的事故BTS100轴承寿命预测测试台,可以开展轴承寿命加速实验,实验原理就是在不改变轴承失效机理,不增加新的失效模式的前提下,通过提高试验轴承应力水平的方法来加速其失效进程,然后再根据试验数据运用数理统计理论估算出正常应力下轴承的寿命的数据
The rolling bearing is a key component of rotating machinery, working in high speed, high temperature and high load under variable working conditions, very easy to failure, therefore, the rolling bearing fault diagnosis and fatigue life prediction to realize the failure of single-phase early warning and accurate maintenance decision, to avoid accidents caused by the gap BTS100 Bearing Life Prediction Test Bench, can be carried out to accelerate the life of bearings experiments, the principle of the experiment is that in the bearing failure mechanism, without adding new failure mode under the premise of increasing the test bearing stress level to accelerate its failure process, and then estimate the normal stress under the test data using mathematical and statistical theory to accelerate the failure process. The principle of the experiment is that without changing the failure mechanism of the bearing, without increasing the new failure mode under the premise of increasing the stress level of the test bearing to accelerate the failure process, and then according to the test data using mathematical and statistical theories to estimate the life data of the bearing under normal stress.。
Prognostic BTS100轴承寿命预测测试台,主要由三相异步电动机,联轴器,双支撑轴承座单元,测试轴承、温度监测模块、转速调节及转速显示模块,径向及轴向液压油站加载系统、负载显示模块,转速脉冲输出模块,等模块组成。
BTS100 Bearing Prognostic Simulator, mainly consists of three-phase asynchronous motor, coupling, double-supported bearing housing unit, test bearings, temperature monitoring module, rotational speed regulation and rotational speed display module, radial and axial hydraulic oil station loading system, load display module, rotational speed pulse output module, and other modules
电机 | 2H/P 三相异步电机1.5千瓦,220V |
变频器 | 3相变速交流变频器 |
速度范围 | 0~3600变速可调 |
负载传感器 | 垂直向:50kgf~3000kgf,灵敏度:2mV / V,终端电阻:350 Ohm 轴向:50kgf~3000kgf,灵敏度:2mV / V,终端电阻:350 Ohm |
显示 | 转速:7段LED显示屏,最多 20次/秒 温度:7段LED显示屏,最多 10次/秒 |
轴 | 直径24,50,55mm,阶梯结构 |
支撑轴承 | 内侧:UCPH208,外侧:UCPH208 |
测试轴承 | 滚动轴承 直径20,30,45mm |
加载单元 | 垂直向:液压油站手动调节至3000kg 轴向:液压油站手动调节至3000kg |
尺寸 | 1050mm x540mm x450mm |