甲乙型流感抗原试剂盒 日本富士进口品牌流感检测试剂盒
日本富士H7N9试纸 日本富士流感病毒H7N9检测试纸试剂盒
根据世界卫生组织1980年通过的流感病毒毒株命名法修正案,流感毒株的命名包含6个要素:型别/宿主/分离地区/毒株序号/分离年份 (HnNn),其中对于人类流感病毒,省略宿主信息,对于乙型和丙型流感病毒省略亚型信息。例如A/swine/Lowa/15/30 (H1N1)表示的是核蛋白为A型的,1930年在lowa分离的以猪为宿主的H1N1亚型流感病毒毒株,其毒株序号为15,这也是人类分离的*支流感病毒毒株。
日本富士H7N9试纸 日本富士流感病毒H7N9检测试纸试剂盒
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the nomenclature of influenza virus strain nomenclature in 1980, the name of the influenza strain consisted of six factors: type / host / loci / isolate serial number / separation year (HnNn), for human influenza virus , Omitting the host information, and informing the subtype information of the B and C influenza viruses. For example, A / swine / Lowa / 15/30 (H1N1) represents a strain of influenza A virus, which is a type A, and in 1930, which is isolated from a low- It is also the first influenza virus strain isolated from humans.
Virus variation
Influenza virus variants are antigenic variation, temperature sensitivity variation, host range, and variability to nonspecific inhibitor sensitivity, but the most important is antigenic variation. Antigenic variation is different from other viruses, characterized by surface antigen HA and NA are susceptible to variation. There are two forms of variation, namely, antigenic transformation and antigenic drift.
The magnitude of the variation of the surface antigen of the influenza virus directly affects the scale of the flu. If the variation range is small, belonging to the quantitative change, known as antigen drift, resulting in the virus of the letter, can cause small and medium fashion. If the antigenic variation of large, belonging to qualitative change, known as the antigenic transformation, the formation of a new subtype, this time the crowd generally lack of immunity to it, often cause a larger epidemic, and even worldwide epidemic. Such as influenza A virus HA, NA prone to antigen transformation, constitute HA, NA most or all of the amino acids can be changed, the antigenic compley different subtypes. Variation is subject to qualitative change. When the new influenza virus subtype appears, the crowd generally lacks immunity, so it is easy to cause a pandemic.
日本富士H7N9试纸 日本富士流感病毒H7N9检测试纸试剂盒
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】 2042552662
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